
Spain’s government vows to block BBVA takeover of Sabadell

Spain's second-largest bank BBVA announced a hostile takeover bid for its smaller rival Banco Sabadell on Thursday,


Spain to launch public tech investment firm with €20bn capital

Spain is due to launch a new state-owned tech investment company to bolster the semiconductor and audiovisual industries, amongst others, according to an announcement by Digital Transformation Minister Jose Luis Escriva on Monday.


Activity in Spain's services sector grows at faster pace

Services sector activity in Spain rose at a marginally faster rate last month as businesses pass on cost hikes through their prices, the findings from a survey showed on Monday.


Spain’s government vows to block BBVA takeover of Sabadell

Spain's second-largest bank BBVA announced a hostile takeover bid for its smaller rival Banco Sabadell on Thursday,


Spain to launch public tech investment firm with €20bn capital

Spain is due to launch a new state-owned tech investment company to bolster the semiconductor and audiovisual industries, amongst others, according to an announcement by Digital Transformation Minister Jose Luis Escriva on Monday.


Activity in Spain's services sector grows at faster pace

Services sector activity in Spain rose at a marginally faster rate last month as businesses pass on cost hikes through their prices, the findings from a survey showed on Monday.


Govt. scheme to pay firms to trial 4-day week

Companies in Spain with less than 250 employees can apply for a pilot government scheme to adopt a four-day working week with full pay, it was announced on Thursday.


Deposit rates decline in Spanish banks

Banks in Spain have reduced the amount paid to savers on new household deposits at a time when policymakers at the European Central Bank (ECB) are again preparing to hike rates this month.


Iberdrola forecasts 8-10% net profit rise this year

Spain's biggest utility company Iberdrola forecasts net profit to rise by 8% to 10% this year from 2022, it was announced on Wednesday.


Manufacturing activity "continued to suffer" in November

Spain's factory activity contracted in November for the fifth consecutive month amid high inflation and businesses' weakening confidence about the future.


New high-speed train to enter Spanish market

Technical tests are now underway on the railway link between Madrid and Barcelona using Italian high-speed Frecciarossa 1000 trains.


Spain’s government vows to block BBVA takeover of Sabadell

Spain's second-largest bank BBVA announced a hostile takeover bid for its smaller rival Banco Sabadell on Thursday,


Spain to launch public tech investment firm with €20bn capital

Spain is due to launch a new state-owned tech investment company to bolster the semiconductor and audiovisual industries, amongst others, according to an announcement by Digital Transformation Minister Jose Luis Escriva on Monday.


Activity in Spain's services sector grows at faster pace

Services sector activity in Spain rose at a marginally faster rate last month as businesses pass on cost hikes through their prices, the findings from a survey showed on Monday.


Govt. scheme to pay firms to trial 4-day week

Companies in Spain with less than 250 employees can apply for a pilot government scheme to adopt a four-day working week with full pay, it was announced on Thursday.


Deposit rates decline in Spanish banks

Banks in Spain have reduced the amount paid to savers on new household deposits at a time when policymakers at the European Central Bank (ECB) are again preparing to hike rates this month.

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